International Scientific-Practical Conference
On October 08-09, 2022, the initiative of Naftalan City Executive Power, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan, State Tourism of the Republic of Azerbaijan Agency, joint organization of Azerbaijan Tourism Bureau, PMD Hospitality with the partnership “Naftalan – Source of Health and Tourism Synergy. New Realities in The Region” International Scientific-Practical Conference was held.
The main purpose of the Conference is to assess the role and potential of the Naftalan city as a source of Synergy in the development of resort activity and the tourism in the region, as well as the opportunities for the tourism after the Patriotic War. Specialists of the tourism, healthcare, Sanatorium-resorts and representatives of the state authorities of Azerbaijan, Turkey, Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Russian Federation and Federal Republic of Germany took the part in the conference. Within the framework of the conference, a memorandum of the cooperation was signed between the Azerbaijan Health and Thermal Tourism Support Association and the German Medical Health Association.

At the same time, the Naftalan Tourism Information Center was opened, in the around of the Center a tree-planting action was held by the participants of the conference, and memorial poles were buried. As a continuation of the conference, on October 9, 2022, participants of Conference acquainted with the unique Naftalan oil and received detailed information about the healing properties of the Naftalan oil. Then, the participants have visited the liberated Sugovushan settlement of the Terter district, which is the part of the Karabakh Economic Region, and got acquainted the tourism potential of the Sugovushan settlement, have introduced about reconstruction and restoration works in the area. They also visited the memorial complex erected in memory of the Martyrs in the settlement and laid flowers in front of them. At the same time, the participants of the conference participants have visited the family of civilian Martyr the Gurbanovs in the village of Gashalti Garagoyunlu, Naftalan city.